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Showing posts from April, 2023

Monday, April 17th to Friday, April 21st

The grade fours had a fantastic time during our netball residency this week. It is such a wonderful, fast paced game. Each of the seven players has a following position which helps it to be a true team sport where all players are active and engaged. It allowed students to work on their passing and shooting skills. Thank you to our Parent Council for making this opportunity possible.

Tuesday, April 11th to Friday, April 14th

Thank you to all the families who were able to make it out for our Grade Four Celebration of Learning. The students were incredibly excited to share their work with their families and the students within our school. It was a wonderful way to culminate our time spent working on the Minecraft Design Challenge. The students showed a great deal of growth throughout this experience. They developed patience with challenging technology, worked to collaborate and be flexible with their peers and to use their imaginations and celebrate their creativity. As they learned about social, economic and climate resilience, the students developed a greater understanding of the needs of our city and the importance of creating places that are open and accessible to all. If you were unable to join us for our celebration at the school, please have your child share their work with you at home.

Monday, April 3rd to Thursday, April 6th

This week, the students combined art and science as they made three dimensional sculptures using tinfoil. The students created a human form, manipulating the foil to create moveable limbs. The students then posed the human form in a position reflecting a movement or activity that they enjoy. We had goalies, dancers, gymnasts and more. This reflected the art curricular objective: exploring sculpture as a means of making three-dimensional forms. The students then used a flashlight to capture a shadow of their form. This connected to the science objective: students will recognize that opaque materials cast shadows.