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Showing posts from February, 2023

Tuesday, February 21st to Friday, February 24th

The students have had a fantastic time over the last few weeks, experimenting with a variety of movements as a part of our school wide gymnastics unit. We began with practicing balances and a travelling on the matts and then moved to using the equipment such as ladders, bars and beams. It has been wonderful to see the students work on their skills and challenge themselves to balance and travel in new ways.

Monday, February 13th to Wednesday, February 15th

This short week was all about kindness at Andrew Sibbald School. The grade two's and kindergarten classes kicked our week off with a fantastic assembly centered on the concept of kindness. This was a perfect fit with our Valentine's celebrations this week and Pink Shirt Day next week.

Monday, February 6th to Friday, February 10th

As a part of our learning a nd research in social studies, we have been creating pieces of art to represent each geographic region in Alberta. We have experimented with water colour painting, chalk pastels, and collage. In the pieces below you will see the beautiful Rocky Mountains, the Aurora Borealis from the Canadian Shield region and the rolling hills of the Foothills region. 

Monday, January 30th to Thursday, January 2nd

In math, the students have been excited to begin our work with multiplication. We began by looking at the process of multiplication and different ways to represent and solve multiplication problems such as equal groups, repeated addition and skip counting. Our focus was on the learner outcome: Understand and apply strategies for multiplication facts to 9 × 9.  We then worked through a math challenge called "Daedalus and Icarus" which required the students to utilize their knowledge of multiplication. The students were incredibly engaged in their efforts to solve the problem, many choosing to work on it over lunch. Be sure to have your child share the problem with you.